Art for Monday 1-5-09

I actually did this art over the past several days while up in Washington, but thought it would be a nice arrangement to post today and take credit for as my Monday art. I took a photo printed by a friend (11×17) on her Canon Pixma printer and cut it up and used the sections as backgrounds for doodling. I did the doodling mostly in watercolor, with some in colored pencil. This is a great way to use up beautiful scraps of paper that are too nice to throw away.

Last night, I arranged all the faces from Musee Mechanique with frames. I should have taken a pic of that, but didn’t. Now I have to get the photos in shape to have them done at the Costco Photo department and buy the matting material. Here are stacks of the photos as promos, printed with the proof sheet function from my Canon Pixma printer. The proofs are somewhat striated and printed on regular paper.

The final photos will be much more beautiful. Here’s an example of one.

There will be 35 in all. Ready for a show somewhere.