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Bowls – Laura McHugh


Bowls. Sumptuous fabric bowls. Soft, forgiving, but with some structure. How can I express how much I love bowls and then to have them be fabric ones? Well, I just fell in love with them last week in a class I took.

I ran through all my base materials to make them, so I am waiting for my order to arrive via mail. I may just have to go to the fabric store and find more to bridge me over while I await the postal carrier. Can you say obsessed?

I have some beautiful Japanese fabrics that would be great to use. I’m envisioning making a whole place setting of my actual good dishes. Teacups. Oh my, the ideas just keep rolling it.

Buttons….lace….handmade fabrics….old quilts….hankerchiefs….yes….obsessed.




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3 Replies to “Bowls”

  1. Is there anything you can’t do?

    Would love to know how you make these… I have a little bit of fabric hanging around at home that I’d like to play with (understatement of the year!)

    lots of love,

  2. Hi Laura,

    Your fabric bowls look quite unusual; very pretty!

    You are soo talented~ I thoroughly enjoyed touring your personal art studio at SVOS and appreciate how well organized you’ve managed to place things. Especially with your myriad mixed media. (very impressive).

    BTW- My name is Victoria and I’m the one you so kindly gave Neosporin and bandages for my previously nicked leg. (thank you so much!)

    As we talked also shared, I’m an artist looking for full time (day job) that will assist me in being gainfully employed at a job I love and allow me to rent my own space. Currently I am staying at: http://lobitoscreekranch.semkhor.com/page.asp?content_id=8418

    ….until (ASAP) once I land that job I plan to move closer to town. or possibly somewhere that has a wonderful employment opportunity for me. Thanks again for offering to help me network and encouraging me to connect with you on LinkedIn – I will do that; just trying to update it a little bit.

    Anyway, what a gift it was to see your amazing studio, art, and learn more about you!

    Thanks so much.

    Victoria Hughot

  3. these are just beautiful!!!! know where you can get the fabric…

    you are so talented and in so many media…including photography!!!

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