Matting Day

Thanks to a lesson from Kati, I was able to mat four of my black and white photos. These were flowers from a beautiful bouquet someone sent me when I had knee surgery back in September.

I used a white, slightly textured mat board (4 ply) and cut the openings with the 45 degree bevel cutter. The whole thing went really well, except for when the cutter dragged and marred the surface on the last mat I did. Kati came home right about then, and told me I should be cutting with the mat face down so that any boo boos like that are on the backside. Live and learn!

Mat Board – $16 for the whole sheet which would have done six 12×12 pieces.
Black frame – $15 at Cheap Pete’s
Photos – $1.39 for all at Costco.

Total cost for this project: $78. If I’d had Cheap Pete’s do them, it would have easily been $150-200.

I like my mat cutter very much!