
This was a great weekend. Being four days long, it was really like two weekends. I got so much accomplished. Set up a new Mac laptop for my artwork, which was a huge and unidentified block I didn’t realize was there. The relief of getting this computer is unbelieveable. I haven’t touched the Dell in days….not missing it at all, and having lots of trouble prying myself off the Mac. Mac’s really are dominant for artistic endeavors. I’m so happy to be back.

I also got an art work station set up in the corner of my room. This is big because in the winter it is too cold to be out in the garage studio, and I don’t seem to have a nice space anywhere else that was at the right height to do my doodling and collaging.

Here is how it looks now – a place for everything and everything in its place. The table was my friend Susan’s. She is moving far far away, but I will have this little piece of where she created to remember her by.

I think I hesitated to do any work in my bedroom since I moved in here three years ago, because I read somewhere when I moved that where you sleep should be your peaceful sanctuary. But, I feel so much more connected to my art when it is surrounding me in my sleep. The place I moved from had a huge bedroom and I never really left it which is an admission that makes me feel like a white trash mom on Wife Swap. I did my homework (while getting my MBA), my art, television watching and homework with my youngest, and I could see the pool from the window when she was out swimming.

This house is different – for one thing, that bedroom was upstairs, and a long way from the rest of the house. (I don’t seem to like stairs…) This is a single level house and not terribly big. It’s laid out in a square and its just a short hop and a skip out to the garage studio, or to the kitchen for a cup of tea from this new perch. And, with this setup, I don’t bother the kids while they are in the family room watching TV and I don’t have my art supplies scattered throughout the common area – a rule that if I expect others to follow, I must too.

I also have a new proposed hairdo, thanks to my youngest needing a wig to cover her pink hair when she volunteers on the explorer patrol. She made me try it on and I LOVE IT! Its official, I’m growing it out.