There was not much time for art today, unless you count bowling. I bowl once every four years, and I really enjoy it. I like the act of focusing, breathing, and then throwing the ball and watching it go right toward the pins. The strike is especially exciting. We were all whooping it up and having a great time.
When I doodle, I like to draw spheres, which are like bowling balls. I come back to the sphere over and over again. I’m not sure why it is so attractive to me. It’s important that it be a sphere, not just a circle. This means it has a spot where the light source hits and a shadow opposite the face with the light on it. The cast shadow is always the most interesting part. The shadow is darkest right at the point where the sphere intersects with the table/surface. I draw a short horizontal line right there, pressing the pen or pencil hard to get the darkest dark I can.
My other favorite part of the sphere is that space between the sphere and the shadow, just to either side of the dark line part. I also like the space between the bottom of trees, like in orchards and the black dark soil. I like any crack or crevice because it represents the edge of possibilities.
Today I liberated myself. I have the whole world in my hands, like a sphere full of possibilities.