Art Today – Bookmarks & Glass Baubles

Today is a day off from work so I got right to the art. I woke up feeling so much better than yesterday, so I went through the ribbons I got at Antique Trove. I washed them (ugh – vintage years of dust and that “old” smell washed away with lavender soap), then ironed them because several were folded over. Ironing them while still damp was just the trick, then so they didn’t look too good, I crumpled them into a ball for a few minutes and voila! nice ribbons for later.

I put away buttons, game pieces, and tore up some maps I bought and went through and cleaned up from doing some art with company last week. Then, I was all ready to make some new stuff.

First I did some glass baubles using packages of $1.00 magnets from Michael’s. I took the images off that came with the baubles and replaced them with my own.

Here they are:

Then I made some bookmarks using the cards that the seam bindings came on. They were the perfect size and I topped them with the fresh ribbons I made after coating them with the ‘wax.

Here they are:

I had bought this really cool 4th grade math book at Antique Trove. I wanted it for the math problems and images. It was a 1956 book, used by a Louis Wright in 1962. I didn’t notice in the store that Louis adulterated every drawing in the book. The one with the baby is especially creepy. (Click on the image if you want to see more detail.)

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