Today, I managed to get a few photos taken at the 2nd Play With Your Food event. It was well attended by about 40 people. I didn’t make anything, instead focusing on taking photos. I was still limping around a bit, and just in a lazy mood. At one point in the festivities, I zonked out for a short nap.
The Interpretation of the Large Indian Civet
The approach I used for this drawing was similar to the prior one (abstract flowers shown in yesterday’s posting). I get these invoices from a vendor of ours in Singapore from time to time. They use stamps rather than a postal meter, and they are the most beautiful and different drawings. Yesterday’s, the Large Indian Civet, is of a small animal that even when I looked it up in Wikipedia, I’m still not sure exactly what this animal is like (possum? bobcat? ocelot?). Of note, the secretions from the anal glands are used for musk scent in the perfume industry. Yuk?!
Anyway, I took inspiration from the stamp drawing and colors, and sketched a small vase of sacred feathers and a saging stick. I tried not to think too hard about it – hence the loose drawing lines. I colored it in with various colored pencils, taking off on both the colors from the stamps, and a coordinating pen try-out sheet I mined from Utrecht‘s Art Store in San Francisco a few months ago.
Enjoy, and remember that you can see more detail on the graphic by clicking on it to open it larger in a new window.
Today is My Birthday
I have these beautiful canceled stamps from a letter I received from Singapore. Like this earlier set of stamps (see below in the lower left corner – the colors informed the doodling art), I’m going to do some art themed on the colors – aqua blue and reddish browns. The stamp is of a Large Indian Civet, which looks like some sort of ocelot or raccoon to me.