Today is a day off work for me, so I have big plans to get lots of art done. But, that can overwhelm me with pressure. So instead of tormenting myself about which way to go next (small drawings for the encaustic layers, and if so, which ones?; finish the art piece for someone I am having lunch with tomorrow; browse through books trying to find my artistic voice; try the wax on a plate on the print press….) I washed my car, even though rain is predicted for tonight or tomorrow. I just know I will feel better if my car is shiny and washing it pretty much guarantees some more much needed rain.
Then, I ran some errands, including buying some tuna and sardines so I will have the empty metal cans to mix my wax paints and a griddle for warming them up. I tried going on-line to find a less expensive/used griddle, but I couldn’t find anything. Luckily, the hardware store in my little 6-horse town is handy – they always have what I need. While in the hardware store, a friend called about prices to make signs for a conference coming up. I was right there in the poster board aisle, so I gave her some real-time quotes. I’m doing the layouts for the conference committee to approve, having made the logo for this big convention too.
I took a little walk along the beach because I’m trying to ease back into exercising. Last year, I was up to 12 miles a week. Now I feel pressed to walk 12 feet! I had my headphones on and did some arm-swinging walk dancing to Sheryl Crow. I’m hoping that puts me back in the mood I was last year – Best of Sheryl Crow was what I did all my walking and running to. I felt really in shape and totally capable of the 3 miles up and 3 miles back walk/run I was doing with her in my ear.
Now, I’m going to warm up some beeswax and paint it onto plexiglass and do some press runs.
That’s some art for the day. I’ll post the results later tonight of the wax + press.