Half Moon Bay Bad Art Night Info

We do Bad Art Night (BAN West) on the 2nd and 4th Friday of every month in Half Moon Bay (HMB).

Here’s the 2011 BAN HMB calendar. For information on the location and to be added to the group announcement email list, contact Laura McHugh.

For more information about what BAN is, read this article from Patch Half Moon Bay, January 2011.

Bad Art Night in San Luis Obispo

I was in SLO this weekend for an antique fair. What fun! And, I took a few art supplies so I could do some Bad Art on Friday night while catching a recap of The Royal Wedding. The inn we stayed at had a British influence and they were serving Prince William’s cake in the lobby. Yum!

Fast Shots Out the Window

I carry my camera with me in the car. I’m usually alone, thus I’m driving. Especially along 280 between San Jose and Hillsborough, there are some really beautiful trees and the green this time of year accentuates their graceful presence.

Here’s a shot I took yesterday. Opened the passenger window, stayed in the right-most lane and held up my Canon 40D and pressed the shutter. Hoped for the best.

This photo – unretouched. I didn’t even have to straighten it up.