I’m developing a theory about creativity and Mondays: we hopefully spend time over the weekend relaxing, hanging out with family and friends, and indulging in some art viewing or art-related activities.
For me, by Monday, I am open and porous, a creative sponge. I am relaxed and my mind is flowing with ideas about what I can do next, creatively.
Today, I went to see a man about a kiln. I have long had a secret desire to make three dimensional objects. I see them at art shows and love them, admire them, fondle them and sometimes buy them. So admitting I want to make them is a relief.
I got an email from this biz-nessy guru, Ramit Sethi, this morning about fear and the reasons why we hold back from doing something. My logic and reasoning, which he pointed out is just fancy camouflage for fear, is that someone else has done what I want to do thus I don’t need my stuff out there in the world too. This fear is sandwiched between two nice layers of how I am inspired and also appropriate in my art to a huge degree. I am still looking for and finding my own voice. The post today about fear was helpful because honestly, so few people see the work of artists anyway, that me adding to that universe of work would not be noticed by others in any negative way.
Instead, I should do the work and get myself into the zone of unique voice and creativity and let it all flow from there. So despite all the logical thinking to the contrary, I am going to get a kiln and a drying rack and a clay roller device and some porcelain clay and start making things I can see in my head.
I believe they will be fantastic. I know when I see something this clearly, as a vision, I am meant to do it. Here I go with my creative process!